
发布时间:2018-04-30 00:10

  本文选题:罗马 + 海外殖民城市 ; 参考:《东北师范大学》2015年博士论文

[Abstract]:Glory belongs to Greece and greatness to Rome. Why is Rome great? Perhaps its unreachable hegemony of the world empire and its contribution to the development of human civilization. The Roman overseas colonial city appeared in the great conquest era of Rome's expansion into the Mediterranean world. At that time, Rome had entered the declining period of Republican system. Because of the situation and situation, overseas colonization experienced a difficult initial stage. But in the days of Caesar and Augustus it was at its height. The founding and prosperity of overseas colonial cities coincided with the period when the Roman state moved towards the empire and finally became the "great" Roman Empire. The colonial city of Rome "bloomed" outside the Italian peninsula. What contribution did these fruits make to the "greatness" of Roman civilization? In fact, this paper is some research on this issue. Since the late Republic and the early Empire were crucial periods for Roman colonization abroad, the development of the Roman Empire and its hegemony in the world as well as the growth and integration of the Roman civilization with other civilizations were closely related to that period. Therefore, the time limit of this paper will be mainly concentrated in this period. This paper consists of three parts: introduction, four chapters and conclusion. The first chapter mainly explains the process and reasons of the rise and fall of Roman colonial cities abroad, and tries to analyze the characteristics of Roman colonial cities in each stage in order to better understand the influence of overseas colonial cities in the important period of Roman history. The second chapter mainly explains the spread of Roman colonial cities from the political field. As soon as the overseas colonial city was established, the Roman city management system was first applied and spread out. At the same time, the settlement and management of the colonists made the Roman citizenship and Roman law spread and spread. The third chapter mainly explains the contribution of overseas colonial cities to the economic development of Roman Empire. Overseas colonial cities have had a new characteristic of economic development since the beginning of their germination, which was highlighted by the large-scale colonization of Caesar and Augustus. The establishment of colonial cities not only led to the development of Rome's overseas road system, but also affected the development of local agriculture, industry and commerce, as well as construction, especially for inter-provincial trade and the overall economic prosperity of the Mediterranean Sea as a whole. More importantly, with the establishment of overseas colonial cities, the level of urbanization of the Roman Empire was raised, and the development of the urbanization process stimulated the development of the imperial economy. Chapter four mainly explains the influence of overseas colonial cities on the development of Roman civilization from the aspects of language, culture and religion. Colonial cities are a powerful platform for the spread of Roman civilization, which is not necessarily imposed by the Roman authorities, but is more likely to occur naturally as a result of the establishment of colonial cities, which is why, The Roman civilization was preserved around the world. The conclusion summarizes the full text and tries to analyze the significance of the colonial city in the development of the Roman Empire and the communication between the Roman civilization and other civilizations.


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