
发布时间:2018-05-02 19:22

  本文选题:俄巴 + 宁玛派 ; 参考:《中央民族大学》2016年博士论文

[Abstract]:The Russian BA culture is an important part of the Tibetan culture, and it is also a unique cultural component of the Tibetan folk. The reason why the concept of "Russian BA culture" is proposed in this article is an important cultural phenomenon. The second is to make people realize that the Russian BA culture and its importance are the original intention and starting point of the paper. The original belief of the Tibetan nationality and the cultural background of the collision between the two religions, the struggle, the absorption, integration and the long historical process of the Tibetan Buddhism and Buddhism, the integration of the two cultures promoted the development of the folk Russian BA culture and formed the present pattern. The Russian BA culture was the prosperity of the local culture of the Qinghai Tibet Plateau. The lotus, which does not lose the connotation and essence of the India Buddhism and the essence of Buddhism, also combines the Tibet regional culture to form its own unique cultural system. This article attempts to outline the outline of the Tibetan Russian and Pakistan culture from the angle of culture and religious anthropology. It consists of three major sections: introduction, text, conclusion and so on. The introduction includes the significance of the study, and the research at home and abroad The main text is composed of four chapters. The first chapter mainly discusses the history and evolution process of the Russian BA's history and development, examines the origin of the Russian BA title and explores the origin of the Russian BA culture. In seventeenth Century, the development of Gannan Russian BA culture had been rectified several times, and the fifth Darai Lama Awang Gia Zo praised the Ning Ma school. The first Shijia living Buddha of Darai Lama, the fifth disciple of the fifth emperor, returned to the Gannan area of anddo to build the temple of monastery, and the Russian BA organization was set up in various parts of Gannan, and some people went to the Min pearl temple to study religious inheritance and ritual activities, and brought them back to their hometown and declared them in folk Russia. These social activities are a social reaction and feedback to the policy of the Darai Lama in the 5th world. In addition, the Gannan Russian BA has come to the temple of Ningma school in Kang district. From then on, there are two types of rituals in Gannan, namely, the inheritance of the monastery and the inheritance of ningti in the Kang district. Gannan seventy percent's Russian BA Shi However, the minority o 's organization, represented by La Bo Obazatan, was carried out by ningti. Later, the Min monastery was hit, and then the folk Russia face suffered a series of social unrest. When the generation has come back to the west, the young generation has no opportunity to grow up in the traditional cultural atmosphere, and the cultural inheritance has encountered faults in the old generation and the young generation. The second chapters mainly discuss the types and functions of the Russian BA, as well as the organization form. Awn organization, tribal organization, and even tribal alliance awn organization. Gannan has hundreds of Russian BA, dozens of awn organizations and three large tribal alliance o mans organization. Gannan Russian BA can be divided into two types in organization form, Holzer Hun awn mainly, based on villages, self-sufficient rural Russia Pakistan, La pulcorrugated Russian. Bazaang is represented by the Tibetan Buddhist monastery and the monastery, the monastery which is supported by the people. These two organizations include chezaba, Ge GUI, Weng Zan and junzeng Ba, but the organization and appointment and dismissal system of their respective internal organizations. Under the influence of the cultural system of the Tibetan Buddhist monastery, Russia and Pakistan showed that under the influence of the cultural system of the Tibetan Buddhist monastery, oba from the unorganized religious clergy of the family to the organized village of Russian Emon, and finally developed into a monastery with a strict religious organization system. The three types of Russian BA and Black Russian and Pakistan. That is, the continuation of the four continued yoga, followed by the four filling and the completion of the second and complete order, the pursuit of the success of the Buddha's benefit from his Bela; mastery of the four industry of auspicious days, the great parents, and the three kinds of gods of the yama. The three types of Russian BA in Gannan and Pakistan also have a very obvious distinction. The three points of Russian BA Bai, flower and black show the three important steps of the development of the Russian BA culture: that is to say with the original bis culture. In addition to the growth of the Black Russian BA, the flower Russian BA after the fusion of Buddhas and the Tibetan Buddhist culture dominated by the baobba, in addition to this, the rural Russia and Ba were located between the kobba and the Black Russian BA, and the monastery oba rejected the Black Russian BA industry and pursued the secret law practice of the baobba. The village Russian BA organization, such as the monastery, Russia and Pakistan, Holzer Zang Mo and other rural Russia and Pakistan is the flower of iobba to meet the needs of the people. In the Tibetan society, the Russian BA is not only a religious practitioner but also a religious clergy serving the people in the Tibetan society, but also a specialist in the various disciplines of the Tibetan society. At the wedding ceremony, oba is the host and ritual of the Lord in the high hall. It is responsible for the practice of recruiting, making money, and praying for a long ritual. In the birth of a child, the Russian BA is responsible for the eight diagrams to give their children the name and prayers; in the military expropriation, the Russian BA is inspiring morale and summoning the battle God's pendulum division; when the arrow is sacrificed to the mountain god, Russia Ba is planted in peace. The first arrows of the arrows; in the agricultural harvest season, the Russian BA is the guardians of the fields that protect the crops from the field. People call it the hailstorm. Among the farmers there are the words "the Russian BA is around the ground and the hail around". There is a doctor's family, the medical skill they master can cure all kinds of miscellaneous diseases, the most intimate barefoot doctor of the people. The most common in the ordinary life of the Tibetans is to divination and ask the hexagram in advance. In the early society, oba should be a social intellectual and expert. They are proficient in religious rituals, rituals, divination and calculation, astronomical calendar, medicine, psychology, agriculture, animal husbandry, Feng Shui, architecture, poetry, dance and so on. The third chapter mainly discusses the education and life of Russia and Pakistan. It mainly discusses the education and life of Russia and Pakistan. The inheritance and education methods of Russia and Pakistan are maintained mainly in the way of family hereditary inheritance. Most of them are father's son, Zu Chuansun, uncle's nephew, uncle's nephews and other ways of hereditary inheritance of paternal lineage. Child breeding and support for the elderly. Rural Russia is usually involved in productive labor. Their education is mainly from the community and the elders. But La Bo Lenobazatan's Russian BA rules can not participate in the production of labor. They have acquired the knowledge necessary for the Russian bar under the monastery class system. Gannan oba present a semi detached semi professional rural Russian BA and full off. The fourth chapter of the professional monastery, Russia ba. Chapter mainly discusses the Russian BA's ritual and symbolic system. It is inevitable to discuss the religious rites of Russia and Ba on the symbol system of the spirit system of Russia and the sacred objects of French and the dress and clothes. The most important spirit in the OA pads is the three fundamental, the master, the original, the empty mother. The most important three deities are auspicious days, obsidian, and the great law of protection. The village Russian BA and the monastery, Pakistan and Pakistan have a certain difference in clothes and clothes. The Russian BA is both a folk clergy and a secret religious practitioner. Their religious activities include not only the religious activities of the people, but also the religious activities of the religious activities. A series of legal activities, such as the first decade of the first decade and the law of the first place, were held on the ten and twenty-five days of each month, as well as a series of Buddhist meditation on the pursuit of liberation, such as the advance of the law, and the four irrigation. Communication and communication. Improve and fill the history of Tibetan culture in communication and communication.



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