
发布时间:2018-05-04 20:46

  本文选题:审美偏好 + 空间构图 ; 参考:《华东师范大学》2017年博士论文

[Abstract]:This study explores the psychological mechanism of painting composition aesthetics in visual aesthetics. In the current experimental research on aesthetics, the aesthetic research of painting composition has gradually become a hot spot, but the psychological experimental research in this field neglects the role of picture frames in composition, and lacks cross-cultural comparative research, and the experimental research is too simple. The ecological validity is on the low side; limited by experimental technology, only longitudinal or horizontal composition can be manipulated by single dimensional experiments, and the revelation of aesthetic psychological mechanism of composition is inherently deficient. Equilibrium refers to the relative relationship within the composition, including the position of a single composition object, the position relationship between multiple composition objects, the orientation relationship between the composition objects, and the relationship between the composition object and the whole composition and the picture frame, etc. It is an important embodiment of aesthetic value of painting composition. In this study, the aesthetic preference evaluation paradigm was used to generate the adjustment paradigm (free composition and restricted conditional composition) and ERP experimental technology. Through five experiments, abstract graphics and typical figurative figures in traditional Chinese painting were adopted, respectively. The equilibrium of space composition of Chinese traditional painting and the law of EEG activity in composition aesthetics are analyzed in strict quantification. The preliminary conclusion of the study is as follows: 1. There are significant differences in the proportion of typical picture frames between Chinese and Western paintings, and the difference in the proportion of picture frames has a significant impact on spatial composition. The difference of the long longitudinal frame is more obvious, people tend to place the center of gravity in the center of the center of gravity along the vertical symmetry axis when the long longitudinal frame is constructed. The balance of space composition is an important rule followed by painting composition aesthetics. In the case of a single abstract object, the subjects tend to place it in the center of the frame or in the vertical, horizontal axis of symmetry; in the case of two or more abstract objects, the subjects tend to adjust the relative position between the composition objects. Distance and quadrant relations, and the center of gravity in the center of the frame or the center of the lower region, prefer diagonal quadrant relationship composition. In the case of two or more figurative graphics, the equilibrium law of spatial layout is also followed. 3. Orientation relation plays an important role in the figurative graphic composition. When the extension lines of the two objects cross and the angle of motion of the two objects converges, the aesthetic preference of the two objects is relatively high. The interest point and the background in the picture also have the equalization relation of the composition orientation. 4. The EEG activity in the middle and late stage of aesthetic process showed obvious difference between left and right brain, and the characteristic waveform of subjective preference judgment existed in the late stage of aesthetic cognitive processing. 5. There are differences between experts and novice in space composition aesthetics. Experts pay more attention to the whole picture frame layout, the composition results have a higher balance; for the image in line with the aesthetic law, EEG response intensity is greater, faster.


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