
发布时间:2017-12-28 12:24

  本文关键词:中国文化贸易增长与结构研究 出处:《华东师范大学》2017年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

  更多相关文章: 文化产品贸易 文化服务贸易 二元结构 需求偏好 同质化

[Abstract]:Since 1990s, the cultural industry has begun to prevail in the major countries in Europe and America, and the development of cultural industry is becoming increasingly apparent to the national economy. With the accelerated process of globalization, cultural products and services flow is no longer confined to a region or country, but with the traditional trade circulation in different countries and regions, animation in Japan, South Korea, the United States entertainment film, French fashion time is famous in the world. Unlike ordinary commodities, cultural commodities and services have great spiritual value, symbol value and social value. They will have important influence on cultural concept, behavior habits, customs and habits of a country and a country. Therefore, the level of cultural trade promotion, not only an important role in promoting the economic development of a country, the more important is to the regional and national cultural ideas and values as input to other countries and regions, the cultural influence is particularly important in the current fierce competition in the world. This paper makes a systematic study on the growth and structure of Chinese cultural trade. Specifically, the main contents of this paper include the following five aspects: (1) the status and evaluation of the development of China's cultural trade. This part will be from the current situation of development and evolution, and depend on three aspects of measure, and comparative research methods this part will mainly use the statistical analysis on the development of cultural trade in our country are vertical presentation, thus draw the outline of China's cultural trade more than 10 years of development track. (2) the analysis of the mechanism of cultural trade promoting China's economic growth. Based on the general equilibrium analysis, from the perspective of cultural capital, this part will improve the production efficiency of cultural sectors and non cultural sectors, and promote regional economic growth through the analysis of cultural capital and its spillover effects. On this basis, the Grainger causality test is carried out on the relationship between cultural trade and economic growth. (3) the analysis of the structure of China's cultural trade. This part will carry out a comprehensive measure from three angles of the commodity structure, mode structure and market structure on the structure of China's cultural trade at present, and compared with the cultural trade in developed countries the United States, South Korea, and China's cultural trade currently exist in the structure of the problem. (4) the analysis of factors affecting the structure of Chinese cultural trade. This part is based on the application of the gravitational model and based on the static panel data measurement and analysis to identify the factors of the current Chinese cultural trade structure. Considering that there are many subdivisions and different regional conditions in the cultural trade framework, the industry characteristics and regional characteristics are also included in the research area. (5) the analysis of the homogeneity effect of China's cultural trade. This part will use the method of directed graph structure of cultural trade network is depicted, recognize the existence of cultural trade specialization effect and homogenization effect, and by introducing the random graph model of the index of social network analysis method to China cultural service trade existence with quality inspection effect. Based on the research content of each chapter combing, some basic conclusions can be obtained here in this paper, summed up as follows: (1) Chinese cultural trade has developed rapidly in recent years, effectively promoted the China economic growth, cultural trade and cultural export import trade is the Grainger reason of economic growth, economic growth is not the cause of Grainger culture and cultural trade import export trade. (2) cultural capital accumulation and diffusion is an important mechanism to improve the cultural trade Chinese economic growth, cultural capital can be directly involved in the production and through the cultural sector to promote regional economic growth, also through spillovers to improve production efficiency and promote the cultural sector economic growth region. (3) the structure of China's cultural trade needs to be optimized, and the trade of cultural products is in a favorable balance. However, there is a serious deficit in the cultural services trade. The cultural service trade is lagging behind the cultural products trade both in scale and competitiveness. The dependence of cultural trade shows a "inverted U" curve. (4) the factors affecting China's trade structure are more complex, and there are great differences in the subdivision industries and different regions. (5) from the perspective of network structure, the homogenization effect of Chinese cultural service trade will destroy the local cultural ecology, and it is necessary for the state to take protective measures against cultural trade. The main points of this study are summarized as follows: (1) a detailed comparison and analysis of the statistical framework of different cultural trade is made, which is the theoretical basis for the selection of statistical framework of cultural trade in this paper. (2) using the statistical framework of UNESCO (2009) and EBOPS (2002), the current status and characteristics of Chinese cultural products and cultural services are analyzed and analyzed. (3) introducing a cultural capital perspective, we demonstrate how cultural trade promotes regional economic growth by using a class of equilibrium analysis methods, and carry out numerical simulation. (4) based on preference selection model, we modify the traditional gravity model, and use the revised model as the main econometric model to examine the influencing factors of Chinese cultural products exports. (5) by using the "directed graph" method, the difference between the specialization effect of cultural trade and the homogeneity effect is portrayed from the angle of the network structure.


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