
发布时间:2018-02-12 15:47

  本文关键词: 报纸标题 语言对比 词汇 语法 修辞 教学 出处:《华中师范大学》2016年博士论文 论文类型:学位论文

[Abstract]:China and Vietnam are friendly neighbors connected by mountains and rivers. The traditional friendship has a long history, social, economic, cultural, and other fields have close exchanges, the frequency of language exchanges has increased, and news exchanges have gradually become closer. At the same time, it shows a good situation of "mutual exchange" in news headlines. Against this background, The author hopes to be able to explore the language characteristics of news headlines in two countries. The news language on the newspaper can form a subtle cultural influence in the whole society. Explain the concrete content of news vividly, better express the thought and depth of the work, spread news and culture. During the study and research, The author finds that the Chinese and Vietnamese news headline languages have many similarities, but each other has its own characteristics, and gradually take the unique features of the news headline language as the starting point. From 2005 to 2015, the main news headlines of China and Vietnam are used as the corpus, followed by vocabulary. In terms of vocabulary, Chinese newspaper headlines have a tendency to use idioms, classical Chinese words and other written words, and there are also idioms and proverbs. Dialects and other titles are colloquial. However, the news headlines in Vietnamese newspapers are more likely to use transliterated words, words and new semantics, and at the same time will directly use loanwords, etc. From a grammatical point of view, there are obvious similarities. Because both Chinese and Vietnamese languages belong to the same language family, the oriental language family, the biggest feature of this language family is that there is no change in the form of words, so the position of words is especially important. In rhetoric, the headlines of Chinese and Vietnamese newspapers are much the same. Obviously, the purpose of exploring the characteristics of their language is to enhance the expression of newspaper headlines so that they can be "close, simple and interesting." Beauty "in order to attract more readers. This is the duty of the workers who study and study the comparison between Chinese and Vietnamese languages. This paper also aims at the problems that should be avoided in the process of teaching Chinese newspapers and periodicals, and explores the problems that should be avoided in the process of teaching Chinese newspapers and periodicals. At the same time, it provides practical and constructive suggestions for the practical teaching of news headline language.


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